Chaotic effect expected from “A Madman’s Diary” —Consideration from cognitive linguistics 7
3.2 Indeterminism of the Madman and cannibals Let us c…
Chaotic effect expected from “A Madman’s Diary” —Consideration from cognitive linguistics 6
3 Paranoia is schizophrenia 3.1 Non-linearity of cannib…
Chaotic effect expected from “A Madman’s Diary” —Consideration from cognitive linguistics 5
2 Cognitive process of “A Madman’s Diary” 2.1 Madman an…
Chaotic effect expected from “A Madman’s Diary” —Consideration from cognitive linguistics 4
1.3 Metaphor of synergy The metaphors that cognitive l…
Chaotic effect expected from “A Madman’s Diary” —Consideration from cognitive linguistics 3
1.2 Role of metaphor The reasoning based on normal exp…
Chaotic effect expected from “A Madman’s Diary” —Consideration from cognitive linguistics 2
1 The current state of cognitive linguistics 1.1 What i…
Chaotic effect expected from “A Madman’s Diary” —Consideration from cognitive linguistics 1
[Summary] This study describes the chaotic effect in “A…
魯迅とカオス 狂人日記 11
4 まとめ 「トーマス・マンとファジィ」と同様に、シナジーのメタファーを求めて魯迅の「狂人日記」を認知言語学…
魯迅とカオス 狂人日記 10
3.2 狂人と食人の非決定論(初期値敏感性) 狂人の言動と統合失調症の症状を重ねて考えてみよう。表3の5つ…
魯迅とカオス 狂人日記 9
3 場面の認知プロセス 3.1 食人の非線形性 上述の狂人の言動を認知プロセスに当てはめながら、それぞれの場…