Research on the synergic metaphor of “Frog” by MoYan 17

A: Cognitive information 1 is 2 grouping, cognitive information 2
is 2 new information, and cognitive information 3 is 1 from plan to
B: Cognitive information 1 is 2 grouping, cognitive information 2 is
2 new information, and cognitive information 3 is 2 from unresolved
to reasoning.
C: Cognitive information 1 is 2 grouping, cognitive information 2 is
1 old information, and cognitive information 3 is 2 from unresolved
to reasoning.
D: Cognitive information 1 is 2 grouping, cognitive information 2
is 2 new information, and cognitive information 3 is 1 from plan to
E: Cognitive information 1 is 2 grouping, cognitive information 2
is 2 new information, and cognitive information 3 is 1 from plan to

 This story’s scene is of the surrogate birth by Wang Zu and Xiao
Shizi. Undoubtedly, Xiao Shizi and Gugu are slightly abnormal.
However, the people who committed the crime cheer themselves (Lu
Xun’s ‘Blessing’). If one does not expose a delusion, provide hope,
release from guilt, and make a person lack a sense of guilt, the action
does not hold any punishment.
 For that reason, Wang Zu takes his second wife Xiao Shizi at his
own valuation and attempts to believe their belief even with stupidity.
Therefore, cognitive information 3 becomes from plan to resolution.
The reasoning “justice and equality” continues.

花村嘉英(2022)「莫言の「蛙」でシナジーのメタファーを考える」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura



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